Avexia Relief 4:1 Tablets 100mg-0
Avexia Relief 4:1 Tablets 100mg-0

Avexia Relief 4:1 Tablets 100mg


Avexia Relief microdosing tablets are a great choice for targeting serious pain and chronic inflammation. The Avexia Relief formula is another blend of CBD and THC, but this time the CBD is favored in a 4:1 ratio. Each convenient tablet still has 2.5 mg of top-quality, full-spectrum THC, but the CBD content here is upped to 10 mg per dose.

400mg cbd | 100mg thc

About the Brand


This medicinal cannabis is formulated from the finest, sustainably sourced U.S. ingredients. We rely heavily on organic ingredients, examining and testing each batch to meet our rigorous standards and guarantee incomparable quality. The Avexia Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) micro-dosing tablets, made with natural cannabinoids, provide quick relief and are a convenient option for medicinal consumption.


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